In 1969 the POW City Kinsmen became the largest charter club in the history of Kinsmen. The club chartered with 88 members under our Charter President, Ed Chynoweth. The POW City Kinsmen have funded and supported groups and initiatives around Saskatoon including the Archibald Arena, Camp Tamarack, and Farm in the Dell, among many others. In order to support these organizations, the POW City Kinsmen raise funds through our annual Top of the Hops and Wine Maker's Dinner projects.

    As with all Kinsmen clubs, the POW City Kinsmen operate under the guidelines set out by Kin Canada. National projects that POW City Kinsmen have supported include the Kin Canada Bursary program (as the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund), Canadian Blood Services, and our provincial arm of Cystic Fibrosis. The national cause supported by Kin Canada is Cystic Fibrosis and since 1964 the support from Kin across Canada has resulted in over $50 million dollars being raised.

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